Reflecting on My First Art Exhibit
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Wednesday, November 01, 2023
By Bonnie Sorsby
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Hello, dear readers!

I can't contain my excitement as I sit down to share my experiences from my first-ever art exhibit at the Boca Raton Public Library. The journey was nothing short of incredible, filled with valuable lessons, wonderful people, and a whole lot of joy.

I can't thank the library team enough for hanging all of my art with such care and precision. Your selection of which pieces to display and the overall presentation were top-notch. It truly brought my artwork to life in a way I couldn't have imagined.

One of the highlights for me was collaborating with the Friends of the Library bookstore. They were not only enthusiastic about showcasing my hand-painted bookmarks, but also incredibly helpful in distributing them to their patrons. The bookmarks and cards I left in the lobby seemed to be well received. I found myself refilling the display multiple times, and it warmed my heart to know that people right in our community appreciated them.

Meeting local artists, art collectors and fellow art enthusiasts was an absolute delight. It's moments like these that remind me why I chose to share my art with the world.

This entire experience has left me beaming with joy. I can't recommend it enough to any artist considering taking that step to publicly display their work. It's a learning journey, a creative adventure, and a chance to connect with your community like never before. My heart is brimming with gratitude for everyone who made this possible.

Thank you, Boca Library, for opening your doors to me and my art. Thank you, Amanda, for reaching out to offer me this incredible opportunity. Thank you, Neil, for your expertise and dedication. And thank you, everyone who visited the exhibit, purchased artwork, and supported me along the way.

I can't wait to see where my art journey takes me next.


Lots of love,


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